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Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)

At Mountain View Middle School every parent is a member of the PTO and membership is free! PTO supports the students, staff and parents of MMS. We assist at school events such as the book fair, school dances and staff appreciation. We also sell spirit wear for the students. Please contact any of the board members if you are interested in participating in any way and make sure you follow us on social media    

Watch D.O.G.S.

Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is a volunteer program where dads can spend up to a full day supporting students, helping provide supervision, and hanging with their Wolf.

Please email any questions to

Thank you for your support and dedication to our school community!


President - Janelle Hizzey

Vice President - Jessica Adams

Treasurer - Angela Jonas

Secretary - Allison Warmington 
