MMS Newsletters
2024-25 Newsletters
- Spring Football Information
- PTO News
- Attendance Awareness
- MMS Upcoming Dates
- High School Showcases
- News from MMS PTO
- Attendance Message
- MMS Upcoming Dates
- STEM Fair and Art Show Poster Contest Winner
- Spirit Week
- PTO Holiday News
- Attendance Awareness
- MMS Upcoming Dates
- MMS Arrival and Dismissal
- Parking Lot Safety
- Attendance Matters
- MMS Upcoming Dates
- Mayor's Food Drive Results
- ASB's Extravaganza Fundraiser
- MMS PTO News
- Vaccination Information
- Lost and Found
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum - Parent Curriculum Review Night
- MMS Upcoming Dates
Archived Newsletters
- Last Week of School Activities
- 8th Grade Chromebook Return
- Lost & Found
- Early Release Hours
- Medication Pick-Up
- Planning on Moving
- End of Year Office Hours
- Upcoming Dates
- End of School Year Activities
- Spirit Week, June 3-7
- School Dance- Luau Theme
- Parent Volunteers Needed
- Planning on Moving?
- Buy Your Yearbook Now!
- Upcoming Dates
- SBA Spring Parent Communication
- Group Counseling
- Parent Preview Night
- Month of Military
- Spirit Week (March 18-22)
- School Dance (March 22)
- Spring Sports Update
- SBLSD to Participate in Regional Lahar Exercise March 21
- Parent Review Night
- Upcoming Dates
2022-23 Newsletters
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- January 2023
- November 2022
- October 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
June 2023
MMS Wolf Call: 6/12/23
Posted by SBLSD on 6/12/2023
In this issue:
- Spirit Week
- Final Dance
- "Field Day" Event
- Touch of Class Promotion Assembly - 8th Graders
- PTO Sponsored HS T-Shirts for 8th Graders
- Water Safety Assembly
- Yearbook Distribution
- Chromebooks
- From the Nurse
- Upcoming Dates
May 2023
MMS Wolf Call: 5/30/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/30/2023
- Spirit Week
- 8th Grade Yard Signs
- Early Release, June 12th
- Parent Note
- Upcoming Dates
MMS Wolf Call: 5/15/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/15/2023
- Course Registration
- SBA Testing Reminder
- Early Release, June 12th
- Upcoming Dates
MMS Wolf Call: 5/1/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/1/2023
- Spring SBA Testing Communication
- New Building Entry Process for Visitors
- Message from the Nurse
- Upcoming Dates
April 2023
March 2023
January 2023
November 2022
MMS Wolf Call: 11/29/22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/29/2022
- Candy Den (Dec. 7)
- Vision & Hearing Re-screening (Dec. 15)
- Spirit Week (Dec. 12-16)
- Lost & Found
- Upcoming Dates
Parent Conferences: Nov. 15, 2022
Posted by SBLSD on 11/10/2022
NOV 15, 2022 | 3:30-5:00 & 5:30-7:00 PM
We are hopeful to see many of our families at our Fall “Arena Style” conferences this week. All teachers will be available and are looking forward to the opportunity to connect with you in person.
Arena Conferences: In this model each teacher will be available to meet with you for approximately five minutes each, to discuss your child’s academic progress, classroom performance and address any quick questions you may have. During conferences you can also pick up your child’s first quarter grades and schedule.
Parents come in and meet with teachers in a first-come, first-serve fashion. There is no need to pre-schedule appointment times. It may be necessary to set up a secondary conference to meet with a teacher if there are issues that require more in depth discussion.
The conference times are from 3:30 - 5:00 and 5:30-7:00. All staff will have a dinner break from 5:00-5:30. We ask that parents arrive by 6:45 pm so we can conclude promptly at 7:00 pm. Parents will enter through our Main Entry (near the flagpole).
If you have any questions about the upcoming conferences please reach out to the MMS Office Team or your student’s counselor.
Save the Date: Parent Conferences
Posted by SBLSD on 11/4/2022
Save the Date!
NOV 15, 2022 | 3:30-7:00 PM
As you may have heard, we are moving from a student-led conference to a parent/teacher “Arena Style” conference model this year. In this model each teacher will be available to meet with you for approximately five minutes each, to discuss your child’s academic progress, classroom performance and address any quick questions you may have. During conferences you can also pick up your child’s first quarter grades and schedule.
The conference times are from 3:30 - 7:00 pm. Parents come in and meet with teachers in a first-come, first-serve fashion. There is no need to pre-schedule appointment times. It may be necessary to set up a secondary conference to meet with a teacher if there are issues that require more in depth discussion. We ask that parents arrive by 6:45 pm so we can conclude promptly at 7:00 pm
Date: Tuesday, November 15th
Time: 3:30 - 7:00
MMS Wolf Call: 11/2/22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/2/2022
- Fall Food Drive
- Message from the Nurse
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum: Parent Review Night
- Community Big Give
- Upcoming Dates
October 2022
Halloween Guidelines
Posted by SBLSD on 10/28/2022
Monday, October 31 - Mountain View Middle School will not be holding any organized Halloween related activities however, costumes will be allowed at school. Students' costumes will need to meet the following guidelines: no blood, no gore, no weapons; no full face masks or face paint (we must be able to identify students); no inflatables and all dress code guidelines still apply.
MMS Wolf Call: 10/27/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/27/2022
- Pink Out Dance Information, Oct. 28
MMS Wolf Call: 10/21/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/21/2022
- Spirit Week!
- Spirit Assembly - Oct. 24
- Pink Out Dance - Oct. 28
- Community Big Give
- Upcoming Dates
MMS Wolf Call: 10/10/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/10/2022
- School Dance
- Message From the Nurse
- Lost & Found
- Athletics Update
- Spirit Night at Chik-fil-A
- Picture Retake Day
- Join our Facebook Page!
- Upcoming Dates
September 2022
MMS Wolf Call: 9/27/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/27/2022
- Attendance Office Tips
- Monday Morning Homework Help
- After School Homework Help
- Chris in the Classroom Anti-Bulling Speaker Event
- Upcoming Dates
MMS Wolf Call: 9/12/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/12/2022
- Smart Pass Information
- Pick Up & Drop Off
- Free & Reduced Applications
- School Meals
- Health Room Updates
- Save the Date
Wolf Call: 9/2/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/2/2022
- Back to School Information
- Pick up & drop off
- First day of school for 6th grade
- First day of school for 7th and 8th grade
- Important dates during the first week of school
- Athletic information
- What to know if you missed Wolf Pride Night
- General School Information
- No food delivery to students from outside vendors
- School meals
- Attendance
- Daily bell schedule
- Construction update
- Cell phones and other personal electronic devices
- Visiting MMS during school hours
- Health procedures
- Supports
- Free backpacks
- Front and side parking lots closed Sept. 3-5
August 2022
MMS Construction Update: 8/31/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/31/2022
Mountain View Families:
I’m incredibly eager to begin the 2022-23 school year with a yearlong “Where Every Wolf Belongs” theme embedded in every aspect of our school. We will begin this year knowing that construction of the expanded commons and additional classrooms will continue for just a couple more weeks. We’re oh so close!
What this means as we begin school on Sept. 6:
The building is safe, open and clean.
Teaching and learning will continue as usual. There’ll be minimal disruption to instruction or extra-curricular activities.
Building operations will be similar to last spring. This includes a temporary wall in the commons, the same drop-off/pick-up locations and procedures, and temporary exit from the aux gym for emergency egress.
Despite our absolute best, ambitious efforts to squeeze two summers of construction work into one summer, we’re just shy of completion. We unfortunately experienced the same supply chain issues and labor shortages seen on a local to global level.
The good news … after these two weeks, we will be in our new spaces and we will have saved more than $1 million. This was the foresight of strategic planning with students’ and staff's best interest in mind to consolidate and minimize the impact of construction on teaching and learning.
This short wait for occupancy of our new addition will be well worth our new state-of-the-art features that will enhance technology and safety throughout the school.
Construction or not, Mountain View is a place where, truly, every Wolf belongs. We show unwavering PRIDE in our school and Mountain View community. I look forward to a great year ahead!
Amy Montgomery
Principal, Mountain View Middle School
Wolf Call: 8/30/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/30/2022
- Wolf Pride Night update
2021-22 Newsletters
- June 2022
- May 2022
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- November 2021
- October 2021
- September 2021
- August 2021
June 2022
Wolf Call: 6/16/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/16/2022
- Field Day
- Touch of Class Assembly - 8th graders
- Observing Juneteenth
- Last Day of School
- Upcoming dates
Wolf Call: 6/6/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/6/2022
- Kick off to Summer Spirit Week
- Jersey Mike's fundraiser
- Yearbook update
- Note from the Registrar
- Upcoming dates
May 2022
April 2022
Wolf Call: 4/25/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/25/2022
- Shelter in place for lahar drill on Friday
- Reminder from the school nurse
- Upcoming dates
Wolf Call: 4/11/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/11/2022
- New spirit wear designs on sale now
- Fall assessment score report
- Washington State Fair - Spring Fair coupon
- Upcoming dates
March 2022
February 2022
Wolf Call: 2/18/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/22/2022
- No School-Presidents Day
- High School Registration
- TWO-sday
- Virtual Hiring Fair
- Upcoming Dates
Wolf Call: 2/2/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/2/2022
- High School Registration
- Amazon Smile Rewards
- Fred Meyer Community Rewards
- Ecology for Youth
- Message from the Nurse
- "Test to Stay" Program
- Upcoming Dates
January 2022
Wolf Call: 1/10/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/10/2022
- Girls Soccer & Boys Basketball Season
- Social Media Issues Impacting Students - We Need Your Help
- High School Showcase Events: 1/11&13
- Upcoming Dates
MMS Wolf Call: 1/3/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/3/2022
- Attendance Update
- Yearbook Sales Reminder
- Quarantine/Isolation Guidelines
- Upcoming Dates
- Second Winter Season Athletic Updates
November 2021
MMS Wolf Call: 11/15/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/15/2021
In This Edition
- First Quarter Progress Reports
- Food Drive through 11/19
- Holiday Express
- November PTO Meeting
- Bring Your Water Bottles!
- Middle School Students, Cell Phones, & Social Media
- Lunch Updates
First Quarter Progress Report
As you know, the first quarter ended on November 5th and teachers were to have completed posting quarter grades by the12th. Progress reports are available for view via Skyward Family Access at this time.
Quarter grades are formal progress reports for students. The semester grades are the official transcript grades and will be mailed out to families in early February. You can arrange for even more frequent notifications regarding missing assignments, assessments and grade reports in Family Access. If you have any issues accessing Family Access or setting up gradebook notifications, please contact us. We'll be happy to help!
Food Drive through 11/19
Holiday Express
If your family needs holiday assistance and/or you would like to offer assistance please contact our Counseling Office at 253-891-5211, or Wendy Lubash, by December 3rd.
November PTO Meeting
Join us November 18th at 6:30 for the November PTO Meeting. Zoom Link: MMS PTO Meeting Zoom Link
Bring Your Water Bottles
Please be sure to send your students with water bottles every day. Our drinking fountains are not currently in use, however, there are sinks in classrooms and water dispensers for students to refill their containers. This also allows them to easily access water during class. We appreciate your help under these circumstances.
Middle School Students, Cell Phones & Social Media
Staff are working hard to create positive learning environments at school. Once students arrive in their 1st period class we ask that they put their phones away to increase positive interactions & to decrease chances of negative social media behavior from disrupting the school day. We realize parents are used to having constant contact with their child, but we need your support more than ever.
Here are some ways you can help your child:
Please remind your child to only post pictures of themselves or others with permission.
Limiting screen time comes with many advantages:
Improves sleep patterns
Increases time for homework, chores, exercise, games, time with family or friends
Determining pros and cons of social media:
Although social media provides an outlet for social interaction online, it also opens your child up to exposure of mean behavior and an increased risk of depression & anxiety.
Monitor your child’s phone use:
Your child needs your support and guidance. Please check to ensure they are using their phone for positive social interactions. Often, children will not tell their parents if something upsetting or scary is happening, they need you to check on them often.
Remind your child not to communicate online with anyone they do not know.
Lunch Updates
This is just a reminder to parents that we do not allow Door Dash or any other food delivery services for students at lunchtime. We appreciate your understanding.
MMS Wolf Call: 11/4/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/4/2021
In This Edition- End of Grading Period
- HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum-Review Night
- The Market (Formerly known as The Bonney Lake Food Bank)
- Thanksgiving Meals
- Yearbooks on Sale Now
- Lost & Found
End of Grading Period
The end of the 1st quarter is November 5. In middle school, the quarter grades are considered a progress report and grades are not final until the end of the semester in January. Teachers will submit their quarter grades which will be viewable on Skyward Family access on November 15th.
In order to maintain a consistent routine for our middle school students, we will not run a half-day schedule for parent-teacher conferences this year. With that said, if you have any questions about your students' grades or progress in their classes we encourage you to reach out to teachers directly via email or calling the school office at 253-891-5200.
Our counseling team is also happy to support students and families with academic concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their counselor:
Pamela Kacer: 6th Grade 504 students, 6th Grade students in Mueller/Davis Block Classes (
Dyanne Jewett-Borts:6th Grade students A-K, 7th Grade 504 students, 7th Grade (
Wendy Lubash: 6th Grade students L-Z, 8th Grade 504 students, 8th Grade (
HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum- Review Night
Washington State law requires that every student receives HIV/AIDs prevention education in grades 5 through 12. Because this unit covers sensitive topics, Washington State law and SBLSD board policy require that parents are provided the opportunity to preview these lessons.
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District (SBLSD) is hosting a curriculum night for families to preview the HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum for students currently enrolled in 8th grade Skills for Life or 9th grade Health classes. Additionally, there will be another opportunity in the spring for families of 6th-12th graders who will study this Health-related content during 2nd semester.
Parent Review Night
December 9, 2021 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Sumner-Bonney Lake School District Administration Building, Board Room
Curriculum will be available for preview. This is an opportunity for parents and guardians to understand the health content for grades 8 and 9, preview teaching materials and ask questions about the resources used in the classroom.
Parents wishing to exclude their child from the HIV/AIDS curriculum required by our state must preview this curriculum and sign an exclusion form.
Parents of students in other grades will have the opportunity to preview the curriculum in March 2022
THE MARKET (Previously The Bonney Lake Food Bank)
The market is excited to serve our Bonney Lake families who are needing support with food. Here are a few ways to access support:
For food emergencies, text the landline directly any time of the day and they will help. (253-303-5909)
Visit the market Monday - Friday 10am - 1pm. Curbside service is also available.
Students can bring food for the weekend home from school on Fridays with the Backpack Program. If you would like to have your student participate in this program, email their school counselor.
Thanksgiving Meals
In partnership with Open Life Church and community sponsors and open to all Mountain View families, the annual community BIG GIVE provides Thanksgiving meals to all. Please see details below and reach out to the Mountain View counselors if you have any questions or need additional support.
Yearbooks are on sale now! Reserve your copy by December 17th to be assured you'll have a copy. The price is $20. After that date, they are $25 as long as quantities last. There is no guarantee you'll have one if you don't reserve your copy.
October 2021
MMS Spirit Days: 10/22/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/22/2021
MMS Wolf Call: 10/19/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/19/2021
In This Edition- Register Now for Our Second Sports Season
- COVID-19 Tests Required for Athletes in Basketball and Wrestling
- Healthy Youth Survey on 10/28 for 6th and 8th Graders
- Spirit Week, 10/25-29
- PTO Fundraiser at Chick-fil-A
Register Now for Our Second Sports Season!
Our Fall/Winter Sports season starts on October 26! If your student is interested in participating in Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer or Co-ed Wrestling, you can now register them online through your Family Access account. The registration link is located under the “Online Forms” tab. If you do not have a Family Access account, or need help logging in, please contact our main office at 253-891-5200.
COVID-19 Tests Required for Athletes in Basketball and Wrestling
We are excited that our students will soon begin winter sports. Safety remains a priority. In addition to masking and social distancing, students who participate in basketball or wrestling need to be tested twice a week for COVID-19, as required by the Washington State Department of Health. In order to comply with these requirements and reduce the risk of infection, all Sumner-Bonney Lake School District basketball players and wrestlers (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) must engage in twice-weekly COVID-19 testing at school.
We will be using the BiNax rapid antigen test, which provides results within 15 minutes. If an athlete tests positive, the family will be contacted, and the student will be sent home immediately to isolate for 10 days, or until they receive a negative PCR test. Unvaccinated athletes, coaches, athletic trainers and other support personnel identified as close contacts will also need to quarantine, even if they recently had a negative test. In both cases, a school staff member will direct the athlete/family on next steps and timelines for return to practice and school.
We want to make you aware of this requirement as the winter season is quickly approaching. We will share logistical information, including where you can find the consent form, as soon as it is finalized. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to reach out to your Building Athletic Coordinator.
If you have questions please reach out to:
Athletic Coordinator, Dave Rumpza:
Covid Supervisor/Assistant Principal: Meg Shortell,
Building Principal:Amy Montgomery,
You are also welcome to call the MMS Office at 253-891-5200.
Healthy Youth Survey on 10/ 28 for 6th and 8th Graders
On October 28th, 6th and 8th grade students will participate in the state’s Healthy Youth Survey. If you’d like more information about the Healthy Youth Survey, please refer to this parent letter.
Spirit Week, 10/25-29
Our first Spirit Week is right around the corner. The week will be filled with dress up days, lunch activities and lots of Wolf PRIDE!
Dress Up Days:
Monday- Dress Your Best
Tuesday- Rodeo Day
Wednesday- Pajama Day
Thursday- Fall Colors
Friday- MMS Spirit Day!
A heads up to students, hats and hoods are still not allowed during Spirit Days
MMS Wolf Call: 10/11/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/11/2021
As we move through our second month of school, our students are hard at work digging into grade level standards. We are a little more than half way through the first quarter, which ends on November 5th, and we couldn’t be more proud of how our students have adapted to full time in person learning. We know this has been an adjustment for students and we appreciate your partnership and support as they tackle challenging content and navigate this school year.
No School, Monday, October 18th
District staff have a training day on Monday, October 18. Therefore, there will be no school for students on October 18.
State Testing begins October 19th
In the state of Washington, students take state and federal tests such as the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). School districts use results from these tests to measure student learning as well as the progress of the educational system as a whole. Due to the pandemic and sudden school closures in spring 2020, tests were waived in every state across the country. As a result, state tests will look different this year. One difference will be that this fall Sumner-Bonney Lake students will participate in the state tests they missed last spring (see chart below). Students will also test again in the spring.
For more details about state testing, please visit the OSPI Testing Site or call our main office at 253-891-5200.Fall SBA Calendar
Students will take assessments in Math, ELA and Science classes.
MMS Yearbooks
Yearbooks are on sale now! They are $20 until December 19th. After that, a limited number will be available on a first come, first serve basis for $25. Don't miss out!
Thanksgiving Big Give Meals
Nurse Reminders
Just a few friendly reminders from our school nurse: Please remember to keep students home if they are sick, or have cold symptoms. Also, students are not allowed to have medications at school without a doctor order on file in the health room. Please contact Angela Saez at if you would like to turn in a doctor’s order for medication, or call the school at 253.891.5200. Thank you!
COVID Safety Reminders
Thank you for all you do to help us keep our school community safe. Here are a few reminders about ways we can continue to keep our community safe and healthy:
Make sure your student has a mask/face covering that covers their nose and mouth completely while at school.
If your student is sick, please keep them home until they are symptom-free.
If your student has a COVID exposure or tests positive for COVID or someone in the household tests positive, please contact Meg Shortell, assistant principal at 235-891-5200.
School Photo Reminder: 10/8/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/8/2021
Picture Retake Day is Tuesday, October 12th!
Order code: 61906H
For retakes, please bring old photos or proof of purchase.
September 2021
MMS Wolf Call: 9/20/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/20/2021
With the first full week of school in the books, we are really starting to get back in the swing of things! Last week was a great week of learning, we recognized 34 students for showing responsibility and held our first advisory class “Den Time”. This week marks the start of sports competitions with home Fastpitch and Baseball games as well as a Track meet. We are excited to see our athletes competing on campus for the first time since March of 2020, it’s such a welcome sign of a closer to normal school year.
Update on School Picture Retake/Makeup Day
There has been a change in school picture retake/makeup day. Inter-State Photography will now be at MMS on Tuesday, October 12th, beginning at 7:30am in the AUX Gym. If you are planning on having retakes done, please be sure to bring your old photo package. You will receive your student ID cards roughly a week after photos are taken.
September PTO Meeting
Our September PTO meeting is on September 23rd at 6:30 on Zoom.
COVID Safety Reminders
Thank you for all you do to help us keep our school community safe. Here are a few reminders about ways we can continue to keep our community safe and healthy:
Make sure your student has a mask/face covering that covers their nose and mouth completely while at school.
If your student is sick, please keep them home until they are symptom-free.
If your student has a COVID exposure or tests positive for COVID or someone in the household tests positive, please contact Meg Shortell, assistant principal at 235-891-5200.
MMS Wolf Call: 9/13/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/13/2021
Dear Families,
It was great to have all of our students back on campus last week. As is tradition, all students engaged in what we call, “Significant 72”. The idea behind our tradition is to dedicate time during the first 3 days (or 72 hours) of the school year to building classroom communities. Students participated in activities focused on connecting with their classmates and establishing relationships with their teachers and learning the “Wolf Way”. Significant 72 was capped this year with our first annual opening “webinar” assembly where classes Zoomed in for some friendly competition.
Week One would not have been a success without a partnership with our families. I want to thank all of our families who have been patient and supportive as we worked through traffic problems, bus delays and dialing in our operations for smoothly transitioning our large student body through construction. Each day our systems improved and by Friday, students seemed to be fitting into the rhythm of school.
As we look ahead to the coming week and the remainder of the year, our goal is to provide quality instruction each day with built in support for students to succeed in the classroom. We are truly looking forward to a year focused on student learning and growth in an environment where every Wolf feels safe and that they belong.
Updates & Reminders
Wolf Pride Word of the Week: Responsible!
Our word of the week this week is, Responsible. We challenge our Wolves to show responsibility this week by: showing up to class prepared, having their chromebook charged, listening to directions & making a to-do list of homework assignments and due dates.
We will start our “Famous For” weekly recognition awards for responsibility this Friday when 1st period teachers will nominate their student of the week. Students will earn Famous Amos cookies for demonstrating our Wolf Pride character trait.
Den Time
Monday will be our first Den Time/ advisory class. Den Time is a 30-minute block every Monday dedicated to social-emotional learning, community building, and developing executive functioning skills like planning, organization, and self advocacy. The Den Time lessons cover a range of topics from where to find help on campus to how to build your study skills to digital citizenship. We also incorporate student voice in student choice lessons wherein students get to select the topic.
Drop Off & Pick Up
As you know we are a growing school and traffic in this area has increased exponentially. We appreciate your focus on safety and following the guidance of school staff during drop off and pick up.
Morning Drop Off: Please pull forward to the top of the traffic circle, this allows for the maximum number of cars to be in our lot, not backing up to 199th.
Afternoon Pick Up: Please follow the direction of school staff who will stage you where there is space available.
Early Release & Student Messages
In order for us to minimize the disruption to classrooms we ask that:
All students needing early release, must have pre-arrangements with the office before 2:00pm.
All parent messages needing to be delivered to your student need to be called into the office no later than 1:30 pm.
Meet our New Attendance Secretary
My name is Joelle Atkins, and I am the new Attendance Secretary here at Mountain View Middle School. I love camping and spending time with my family. All attendance inquiries can be sent to my email address or you can reach me by phone at 253-891-5210. I am so excited to be a part of the Wolf Pack and can't wait to work with you all!
School Picture Retake/Makeup Day
Inter-State Photography will be on campus for a school picture retake/makeup day on Thursday, October 7th, beginning at 7:30am in the AUX Gym. You are able to order pictures online by going to We will also have hard copies of ordering envelopes here at school.
September PTO Meeting
Our September PTO meeting is on September 23rd at 6:30 on Zoom.
Support Mountain View at the PTO Sponsored, Jersey Mike’sWolf Spirit Night!
MMS Wolf Call: 9/3/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/3/2021
We are looking forward to the first day of school on Tuesday! We want to make sure that students and families have all of the important details to make it a smooth start. Please take time to review the details about the first day and weeks of school.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the MMS Office- 253-891-5200.
Construction Update & Student Entry and Dismissal Routes- Starting Wednesday, Sept. 8th
Construction is underway and as a result we are adjusting the routes students will take to enter and exit the building.
Entry from Bus: Students taking the bus will be routed along the side of the gym, down the breezeway and into either the Gym (8th Grade) or the Commons (6th/7th Grade) when arriving at school each day. Any 8th grade student eating breakfast can also report to the commons to pick up their meal.
Entry from Parent Drop Off: 6th and 7th Grade students will enter through the “Attendance Doors” into the Commons. 8th grade students need to also be dropped off at the top of the traffic circle and they will walk outside, back to the gym entry. Pulling all the way forward helps us avoid backing up traffic onto the street.
Student Dismissal to Bus: 7th and 8th grade students will leave the building through the 8th grade “pod” doors to the bus loop. 6th grade students will walk through the commons, breezeway and around to the busses via the side of the gym.
Student Dismissal to Parent Pick Up: Students will exit the building via the “main entry” (under the clock).
Our bus stop lookup tool is now available for you to view your child’s route for the 2021-22 school year. Important: Please read below for ways your child’s bus transportation may be affected due to a severe bus driver shortage.
Different buses: It’s possible your child will ride two different buses — one bus in the morning and a different one in the afternoon. This means a different bus number and a different bus driver.
Bus times: Pick-up and drop-off times could vary and may not always align exactly with school start and dismissal times. Because of the need to double-up on bus runs, your child could be picked up earlier or later than when school begins. Another possibility is that your child might need to wait (supervised) at school for a bus to pick them up. As soon as we know if your child’s route is affected, we will send a robocall to families with as much advance notice we can give.
No transportation: As a last resort, when no bus drivers are available, it’s possible we may not be able to provide bus transportation for some routes on any given day. We encourage families to have a back-up plan with an alternative way to get your child to school. This is a very unfortunate reality that will likely affect routes on a daily basis. If your child is unable to make it to school, it will be an excused absence. We will notify affected families as soon as we possibly can. We will continue to provide transportation for special education students who have special transportation in their IEP.
This bus driver shortage also affects:
Waivers: While a condition of waivers is that District transportation is not provided, we have made exceptions in the past if a bus is not full. This year, however, our buses will be full and we are unable to accommodate students on waivers. Families will need to provide their own transportation to and from school.
Bus passes: We are unable to allow students to ride a different bus when wanting to, for example, go home with a friend or be dropped off at a grandparent's house.
School Meals
School meals will continue to be provided to all students at no cost throughout the 2021-22 school year. We still strongly encourage eligible families to complete the Free & Reduced-Price Meals application as they may also qualify to have fees waived or reduced for ASB cards, sports participation and other extracurricular activities. Learn more. You can also view the menus for September online here.
COVID Safety Reminders
We are committed to keeping our school community safe as we return to full time in-person learning.
Please make sure your student has a mask that covers their nose and goes under their chin. Note- bandanas do not qualify as a face covering/mask.
Students should bring a water bottle with them to school as water fountains are closed at this time. There are water bottle refilling stations available throughout the school.
Other safety measures we are taking include: one-way traffic through hallways during passing, social distancing and opportunities for hand-washing/sanitizing.
Directory Information Withholding
Parents and guardians may choose whether their child’s name, photos and other directory information is used in district and school publications (print and electronic), social media, websites, videos or by the news media.
If you would like to opt your child out, complete the Directory Information Withholding Form and return it to your child’s school. Please think carefully before restricting this information as your child’s name and photo cannot be included in yearbooks or be part of classroom, team or club photos.
If you complete the Directory Information Withholding Form, your child’s directory information will also not be disclosed to outside organizations, the military, institutions of higher education or used in any communication that could reach the public or media. Learn more about keeping directory information private.
August 2021
School Photo Information: 8/25/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/25/2021
Practice your smiles Wolf Pack! School pictures will be taken at our Wolf PRIDE Back to School Events. This year photos will be taken by Inter-State Studio. They will be located in the Gym. Order forms will be available for you to take. You can also download an order form here, or order online by going to
8th Grade- August 31 |
7th Grade- September 1 |
6th Grade- September 2 |
A-G |
4:00-5:00 |
A-F |
4:00-5:00 |
A-H |
4:00-5:00 |
H-O |
5:00-6:00 |
G-N |
5:00-6:00 |
I-Q |
5:00-6:00 |
P-Z |
6:00-7:00 |
O-Z |
6:00-7:00 |
R-Z |
6:00-7:00 |
Middle School Athletics: 8/24/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/24/2021
The philosophy of Middle School athletics in the Sumner-Bonney Lake emphasizes participation and character over winning. While we want our student athletes to compete at their highest, we also want them to have the opportunity to play at the level that best fits their physical and mental abilities. All students, grades 6-8, are encouraged to participate in our athletics program. As we have done in recent years, 6th grade students have to compete against 7th and 8th grade student athletes in all sports with the exception of tackle football. Our Middle School teams compete with Enumclaw, Orting, White River and Fife school districts in the Plateau League. The athletic year is divided into 4 seasons: Fall, Winter, Late Winter, and Spring.
Athletic Clearance/Registration Instructions for all online paperwork
In order to participate in athletics at MMS, you will need to complete the clearance/registration process.
1. Go to the Mountain View Website
2. On the left, click on Athletic Clearances.
3. Click on the Family Access link in blue letters
4. Click on the online forms button
5. Follow instructions and fill out aLL forms (Steps 1-12).
6. Hit submit button at the end
7. Make sure you pay participation fees and purchase an ASB card. (You can do this online or over the phone with our office staff) 8. Turn in a current physical to Mr. Rumpza (Mr. Rumpza will be at our Wolf PRIDE events 8/31-9/2 from 4:00-7:00, or you can turn forms into the MMS office M-F 7:30-3:30)
If you have any questions about athletic clearance, fees or physicals- please reach out to or call the MMS Office at 253-891-5200.
MMS Wolf Call: 8/18/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/18/2021
Dear Wolf Families,
I hope you have had a wonderful summer filled with some relaxation, some fun and most importantly that you’ve had time with the people who matter most to you. With the start of school just a few weeks away, I am excited to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year. I know that I can speak for every staff member here at Mountain View when I say that we are energized and ready for the return to full time in person learning.
As we enter this year, our goals for our students and our commitment to them, remains the same. Our top priority is to provide a safe learning environment where every student feels that they belong and that they thrive academically. To achieve our goals; we are committed to providing quality instruction and to supporting students; helping them acquire the skills needed to learn and grow. We know that we can not reach our goals without a true partnership with our families. We look forward to developing connections with you throughout the year and hope that you never hesitate to reach out if there is something we can do to better meet the needs of your student.
With the same level of excitement for the return of our students this Fall, we are looking forward to the start of the MMS Expansion Project. Our contractors, architects and district team have been hard at work all summer finalizing permitting and getting our project underway. We extend a heartfelt thanks to our community for supporting MMS and simply can’t wait to see the upgrades in both the interior and exterior of our school as well as the much needed additional commons and classroom spaces.
Finally, as we plan for a year that is as close to “normal middle school” as possible, you can be assured that we will take every precaution and follow all guidelines to mitigate risk of COVID-19 and to keep all of our school community safe. In the coming weeks, we will provide additional information about our COVID related safety measures and procedures but some important information to know at this time includes:
Staff and students will continue to practice social distancing
All students and staff will wear masks while indoors
We will continue to utilize protocols for disinfecting and sanitation throughout the building
There are many moving pieces to the start of a school year, I hope that this newsletter answers many of your questions. Know that we will continue to communicate important details about the start of the school year through email, on social media and on our website. Please feel free to reach out with any questions; our offices are open Monday-Friday 7:30-3:00.
Back to School Information
Welcome New Staff
This school year we have recruited and hired a new group of teachers and support staff to lead our Hawks to great places of learning. Please welcome our newest staff members:
Joelle Atkins- Attendance Secretary
Angela Armstrong- Administrative Assistant and Office Manager
Ashley Chess- Para Eductor
Pamela Kacer - Counselor
Jamie Mitchell- Para Educator
Wolf PRIDE Events (“Check-In” Days)
Our Wolf PRIDE event is time dedicated to making sure that students and families have everything they need to be ready to start the year. At various stations throughout the school you will have the opportunity to: pick up your schedule, have your school picture taken, meet staff, tour the school, turn in health-care/immunization forms (if not done previously) and our 6th grade students as well as students new to MMS will also receive their new Chromebooks. While you’re here, you will definitely want to check out the new Wolf gear at the PTO store.
To help us meet distancing guidelines and keep lines short, we ask families to attend during the hour window when at all possible.
Safety Protocols: Wolf PRIDE event safety protocols will include; three foot distancing and masks will be required for all entering the building.
Cashiers will be on hand during our Wolf PRIDE events for families to make payments. We encourage families to make purchases and payments related to the start of school online whenever possible but our office team is also happy to help during these events or at any time our offices are open, Monday- Friday 7:30-3:00.
Instructions are as follows:
Log in to your Skyward Family Access account. Skyward Family Access
In the upper right hand corner click on the blue “District Links” icon and select Online Payments.
You will then need to re-enter your Family Access username and password.
Click on your Mountain View student’s name.
Under “Shop”, select “Items At Student’s School”.
Select the items under each category that you would like to purchase and click “Buy” to add to cart.
Forgot or need your login/password information: contact our Registrar, Dawn Bendon (253-891-5200)
School Pictures
School Pictures will be taken during the Wolf PRIDE evening events. We will also have a second photo day once the school year has started (date TBD). Look for more information on picture packages to come soon.
Chromebooks & Device Coverage
New Students & All 6th Grade students will receive a new chromebook during the Wolf PRIDE event or on the first day of school. Families are encouraged to purchase chromebook assurance by paying online prior to or on the day of the student getting their device. Payments may be made online or in person.
Returning 7th/8th Grade Students kept their chromebook over the summer. All 7th and 8th grade students will have their chromebooks checked during the first week of school. We do encourage all families to consider purchasing the chromebook assurance which can be done online or in person. Please know that the assurance will not be active on chromebooks until it has been checked during the first week of school.
For more information see the SBLSD Digital Device Coverage
School Supplies
This is a basic list of school supplies to get the school year started. If students need additional supplies for specific classes, teachers will communicate this information in their syllabus in the first few weeks of school.
Required Supplies:
Writing Utensils: pens and pencils
Binder or Folder System for Organization
College Ruled Composition Book- Recommended 4
Glue Stick
Colored Pencils
Basic Calculator- 6th + 7th Graders
Scientific Calculator- 8th Grade Only
¼ Inch Graph Paper- 8th Grade Only
Earbuds/ Headphones
Optional Supplies:
Post-It Notes
Fine Tip Markers
Hand Held Pencil Sharpener
First Day & Weekly Schedule
Our “late starts” have changed days - starting this Fall our weekly schedule will be
Monday- 9:05-2:20
Tuesday-Friday- 7:25-2:20
First Day of School is September 7. In order to dedicate time to orienting our 6th grade students to Middle School, 7th and 8th grade will have a delayed start.