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Mountain View Middle School Registration
6th Grade, 2024-2025

Video: Counselor Introduction

Fine Arts Electives:

Mixed  Choir 6   (semester, can sign up for two semesters for yearlong choir) 

Band Brass 6  (yearlong)   

Band WoodWind 6 (yearlong)    

Art (semester)  

Integrated Performing Arts (semester) 
(Int.Per.Arts 6)

Drama 6 (Acting for Film/Broadcasting/Journalism)

Career Tech Education Electives (CTE):

CS Discoveries I Web Development, Animation & Games (semester) 

Miscellaneous Electives

Leadership (semester)  

Advanced PE  

Creative Writing  (semester) 
*Labeled English Enhancement  in Skyward

Student Driven Scheduling

  • Placement for elective classes will depend on availability. 

  • Elective classes will be offered depending on how many student requests are made for that specific class. 

  • Elective classes may be dropped if not enough requests are made to fill a class.

  • Since we are determining  electives based on student requests; the amount of schedule changes in August will be limited 

Grade Level Class Requirements

6th grade schedule:  You will have 2 block classes that include Math/Science with one teacher and English/Social Studies with another teacher.  PE (semester) is half the year and is required. You will be able to pick one full year class and one semester class or 3 semester electives.


Elective Options

Art 6  (semester)

Students will use  two-dimensional and three-dimensional media such as paint, pencils, pastels, clay and sculptural materials. Students will be responsible for group and self-critiques, and discussing works from art history. Artwork will be chosen, mounted and hung for school and/or art show display.

Band 6: Woodwind or Brass (yearlong) 

Sixth grade Beginning Band is for beginning level music students. The class will focus on reading music, band instrument skills, rehearsal and performance skills. Sixth grade band class goals include developing strong skills in musicianship, building study habits and teamwork, and preparing students for 7th grade band the following year. Students will try a variety of instruments to find the best match for them, and then are divided into two classes: woodwinds (flute, clarinet, saxophone) and brass/percussion (trumpet, trombone, percussion). Students provide their own instrument and most do so by renting from one of the local music stores. Students perform in at least two evening concerts.

Mixed Choir 6 (semester)

This class is offered to students who are interested in vocal music/singing. This choir will sing a wide variety of music from different cultures and time periods. Instruction focuses on the beginning levels of reading music, vocal technique, and the basic fundamentals of singing. In addition to formal concerts, this choir may represent MMS at community events.

Integrated Performing Arts (IPA) 6 (semester)

This is a musical theater class that integrates a variety of performing arts, providing opportunities for students to explore music, drama and dance. Students will learn basic acting skills and participate in many different theater games and activities. They will learn the basics of reading through and performing a piece of music. They will also learn some basic dance steps. This is a participation class and will include a performance of a mini musical at the end of the semester as a part of their grade.

Drama 6: Acting for Film/Broadcasting/Journalism (semester)

Students will learn the difference between acting for film vs. acting for stage. They will learn the basics of journalism,  conducting interviews, and producing story segments.  Students will also learn the beginning of basic editing skills. This is a great class for preparing students for Digital Media for 7th grade. 

CS Discovery 6: Computer Science: Web Development, Animations and Games (semester)

Short Skyward Code: CS Discovery I TAE229

Computer Science Discoveries (CS Discoveries) is an introductory computer science course that empowers students to create their own web pages and game animations for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. Starting with simple shapes and building up to more sophisticated sprite-based games, students use the same programming concepts and the design process computer scientists use daily.  No prior experience in coding or programming  or any other classes needed! 

Creative Writing  (listed as: English Enhancement)

Creative Writing will offer a course for students wanting an extra experience in writing for fun. Encouraging the creativity of aspiring writers and the imagination of all, students  will experience several forms of expression, such as stories, poetry, tall tales, descriptive writing, narratives of personal experiences, humor books,  group writings, and more. The course will focus on narrative and descriptive writing skills, analyzing the structure of the hero’s journey and character archetypes in literature and movies to guide their story telling.  Students will have the opportunity to publish their work in  teen writing contests and/or magazines.

Leadership 6 (semester)

This class offers students opportunities to learn and practice skills associated with being good leaders.  Students will participate in servant leadership including independent and group projects to help create a positive, respectful school climate. Leadership is for students who want to help make Mountain View Middle School the best it can be. Come be a part of a positive class and make each day the best it can be! 

Advanced PE 6 (semester) 

This course is offered during the second semester only and available for students who have successfully completed PE at Mountain View during the first semester with a B or higher grade. Advanced PE is for people who love physical activity, are willing to work hard and have a positive attitude. Participating in this class will help you take your fitness goals and motor skills to the next level. Students must be recommended by their 1st semester PE teacher.


Online Scheduling

Directions: Have students go to the Dashboard and Click "All Links" on the upper left-hand side.  Click on "Family Access" on the bottom right-hand side of the list.

Please watch the video for directions on how to register for your electives for the 24-25 school year.  

MMS Course Registration Video  

**Important note – the video asks you to select 5 courses. This year, you only need to select 3 courses (PE/Fitness is required).**

  1. Log on to Family Access/Skyward using the student’s account (this is different than the RapidID used to login to chromebook, this is the same that)

    Login: First 5 letters of the last name, then first 3 letters of the first name, then three digit number you’ve been assigned.  For example: 000 or 001 (Most students have been assigned 000).
    Password: 7 digit student lunch number (if number has a zero in the front, keep the zero ).  At the end of the lunch number add,  SBLsd.
  2. Select “Schedule” from the menu located on the left-hand side
  3. Click on “Request Courses for 2024-2025” located on the upper right of the screen
  4. Click on the box in the left column of the course you would like to take
  5. Click the “Add Course” button
  6. Repeat steps until you have added 3 semester classes (*If you are taking a year-long class such as band or choir, you will need to select band/choir twice).  We have added Fitness  already to your requests as that is a requirement.
  7. Click on the “Request Alternates” tab
  8. Select up to 4 alternate classes using the same steps as above
    You can rank your alternate order by moving classes up and down
  9. Log Out.  Your requests will automatically be saved

Note: PE is required for all students and will be automatically added to your schedule.